"Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed for his compassions NEVER FAIL! They are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness!"
Oh how I have seen that time and time again! He is so faithful.
After the journal, they also presented the boys and me with an amazing gift of sending us back to NICARAGUA together! When I was there in November, all I could think about was how much the boys would enjoy visiting the country. It's going to be an incredible trip to take with them later this year.
So as one season was ending, another was beginning...
On Christmas Eve, my sweet Dennis listened to me list out the "Christmas schedule" for the following days... He doesn't have a big family but for those of you who do, I'm sure you know exactly what this Christmas schedule looks like. :) We were just a few days away from celebrating our one year mark but I could see his wheels turning. He said "Let's go down to the bay!" and the boys jumped in the car with us as we chased down the sunset. I now know that in my attempt to outline all of the Christmas plans, I made him keenly aware that our time together without 100 other people around, was limited to this beautiful Christmas Eve evening.
Within about 10 minutes, I was looking out to the bay and sky, surrounded by my 3 favorite guys and Dennis asked me to be his wife. Of course, I said yes!
...we spent Christmas break enjoying our time together as a family. Most of our visits before this were spread out, sometimes 2 months at a time, so it was a treat to have several days together! I was able to get a glimpse into what life would look like with having him around our home. And gosh, I loved what I saw! He is wise. He's a helper. He's simple. He's loving and patient and kind. He's always looking for ways to serve and make life easier. He's an encourager. He has great insight into the boys and a very noble way of relating to/with them. And DANGIT! He's handy AND hot!! I didn't even have that on my LIST. God is good. All the time. :) :) Mmmm...
Dennis Coker,
Thank you for giving me the chance to experience the type of love, pursuit and companionship that God intended for us to experience. You were well worth the wait! I love the way you serve, work, love and pour out everything you have into what you do each day. I have loved praying with you and for you. What an honor! I look forward to doubling our joys and sharing our sorrows. Road trips, mission opportunities, training up these boys, working on house projects, date nights-in, answered prayers, laughter and simplicity. That's the good stuff of life. And I'm glad we get to do it together.
Roll Tide.
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